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This is a preview of the next calculation of the market price changes. Keep in mind that this is a forecast, and will be in constant change until midnight.
GoodsProdxValue%The change
Alcohol71242 8481050 iKr
Bread68342 7321000 iKr
Clothes59642 38488+3 iKr
Cotton2 84212 842104-1 iKr
Flour1 27222 54493+2 iKr
Fresh fish1 14422 28884+1 iKr
Frozen fish46441 85668+2 iKr
Furniture62942 51692+3 iKr
Gasoline73942 956109-2 iKr
Marble68942 756101-2 iKr
Newspapers58542 34086+3 iKr
Oil5 3810.6673 589132-1 iKr
Paper1 28222 56494+2 iKr
Pigs1 58223 164116-1 iKr
Planks1 33822 67698+2 iKr
Plastic1 51123 022111-2 iKr
Sausages68042 7201000 iKr
Stone2 0301.3332 70699+1 iKr
Thread1 36722 7341000 iKr
Toys64942 59695+3 iKr
Wheat4 7450.6673 1651160 iKr
Wood5 8680.52 934108-1 iKr
Average value: 2 724
If you become a gold member, there will be a diagram here!